Speaking About Depression


Cover of John Gallagher's Book Chalfont, PA - 2/22/09 - John and Patricia Gallagher, founders of the non-profit Team of Angels Program, will host "Speaking About Depression" presentations for the faith-filled community. John and Patricia and their family are the co-authors of "No More Secrets - A Family Speaks about Depression, Anxiety and Attempted Suicide." John, who holds a MBA in Finance, is a sales manager at Joseph A. Bank and former employee of IBM and Bristol Myers Squibb. Patricia Gallagher is the creator of the "Team of Angels Project" and the author of seven books. She has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show, Financial News Network, the 700 Club, EWTN, CNN, CNBC, the CBS Early Show, Sally Jessy Raphael, Maury Povich, and other television programs.

Through their ministry, the Gallaghers speak to "those looking to journey anew, restoring health, rebuilding relationships and reclaiming joy." They know that within the church community, many people feel alone with their suffering. When prayers go unanswered, many people feel betrayed by God. Their talk will inform, inspire and strengthen your faith. The Gallaghers know that in every pew sits someone with a broken heart, as they are no strangers to heartache. As this courageous couple speaks honestly and often with humor, John shares of his battle with clinical depression, triggered by a corporate downsizing. He experienced a period of despair and lost faith in his ability to provide for his family. His ultimate suicide attempt left him injured, physically and emotionally.

Patricia tells of her journey through her husband's recovery, trials with children, home, finances, and the challenges of caring for an injured spouse. "With faith, we receive the gift of trust, and realize that people suffering with a mental health issue have a health problem, not a character flaw, " John said. For John and Patricia, the gift of this realization took nine years. Their message now is geared toward "HELP FOR HELPERS." Pastoral counselors, health care professionals, and those involved in a myriad of church ministries will leave with a better understanding of families living in darkness and the cocoon of shame or embarrassment, whether the family secret is mental illness, alcoholism, addiction, gambling or pornography. It is from faith in God's divine plan that John and Patricia tell of a new life of light and beauty that has emerged. Their message is in a presentation of faith, hope and courage that will be of interest to PTA's, retreats, churches, social groups, librarians, schools, and civic organizations.

The Presentations
"We know in Christian family life there are struggles - anger, conflict, dishonesty, bitterness, resentment, heartache, addictions, and compulsions," John Gallagher said. "We need to know that we are not alone and that help is available." The presentation is designed for those in the pews that are suffering, as well as for families struggling with forgiveness, reconciliation and healing."

For information, please visit www.speakingaboutdepression.com or call 267-939-0365. The Gallaghers are beginning their media book tour launch and welcome interviews and speaking engagements.

John is a MBA graduate of St. Joseph's University. Patricia holds a BA from Villanova University, and a MBA from St. Joseph University. She hosted a tri-state radio show "Come Share Your Faith."

Please contact Patricia Gallagher for more information:
Box 561, Worcester, PA 19490
267-939-0365 or E-mail Patricia
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