"New Alien Strip Tease Gets NASTy"

by Geoff Wilbur

According to their one-page bio, Lansing's new NASTy boys, New Alien Strip Tease, are alien refugees enjoying their stay on earth, but the band members' musical pedigrees from various area bands tell a different tale. This four-piece consists of vocalist/ guitarist Andy, lead guitarist Steve, bass guitarist Jason, and skins master Brian.

Jason explains, "We got together in November of '96." And Jason already knew a couple of his bandmates reasonably well. "Andy and I worked together -- he was in a different band. Brian and I played together a long time ago."

The band's music continues to evolve from that initial point. Says Brian, "It's getting more rockable, radio-friendly."

Adds Andy, "Chicks dig us. Even though we don't get naked, they still dig us."

OK, so sense of humor is important in N.A.S.T. But how did the name come about? The band simply wrote out "a big, long list of names," explains Andy.

Jason jumps in, "I'll take credit for that. Me and Andy spent a few days spittin' out names."

In the end, the name was built to fit the initials N.A.S.T. Notes Jason, "It had to have 'Alien.'"

Says Brian, "I've had people ask me 'Did you break up and now you're new?' No, it's always been 'New' Alien Strip Tease."

Adds Jason, "It's like 'New Alien.' Not the 'old' alien thing."

The band has just completed its debut CD, DRIVIN' THRU NEVADA. The band recorded its disc at Watch Tower Studios in Owosso with Joel Butts, former bass player of Glen Related.

What's next? Says Jason, "Gigs."

Adds Andy, "We're gonna pimp it out like the slutty prostitute it is. That's music, man."

Bigger goals? Says Andy, "Our long term goal is to play in a band scene on Star Trek."

Steve chips in, "I just want to make enough money to buy a waterbed."

Of course, first New Alien Strip Tease will have to wow local crowds. And, says Andy, there's a plan to achieve that: "We're trying to build up a more entertaining set. We're trying to put on a show."

Notes Brian, "Going to a New Alien Strip Tease show will be like going to a movie."

"We're going to have a theatrical set," adds Andy.

>From projectiles to sex toys to trivia question giveaways, N.A.S.T. is making every effort to differentiate itself from other bands.

The band has already played at Tommy's, Tower Records, and "a pig farm behind a trailer." You could catch them on a lot of bills in the future. Says Brian, "We could probably fit with all the bands in Lansing, but we're different."

Adds Andy, "We mix well."

I've heard the disc. It's a strong effort. 14 songs and a surprise. Hear the CD or catch them live.

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