Welcome To My Homepage

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The History

In 1994, through the support of my family and a new found friend, I was able to start working on this webpage. On Christmas Day, 1994 it was opened for the public.

I had hoped it would become a place where I could obtain and disburse knowledge... like a membrane. And indeed, the growth started to resemble "the membrane that resides in a human skull."

The Membrane Domain was born.

The Future

PoliticalAction.Com On this page you will find some of the things that interest me. A current passion is the Presidential Election of the United States of America. I wish to obtain and disburse knowledge on this subject; however, I am ignorant.

I've gone to my friends and asked them to help me form a committee. Would you please consider helping me, too?

(A Political Action Committee)

The Membrane Domain
Anthropological and Economic Experiments in Applied Chaos Theory

Special Of The Moment
Try Me?

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Or, email help@membrane.com
This mailbox may be used to contact our Office of Assistance.
All submissions are subject to further use.


Business Sense

Engineering, Contracting & Building

Glistening Trail Records

The Internet Gazette

Internet Services


Money Matters

Motors, Engines & Things That Hold Them

Movies, Music & Other Multimedia

Operation Security (OpSec.Net)

Pandora's Musical RomBox

The Greater Philadelphia Region

Real Estate


Sidd's Science Center

Spiritual, Mental & Physical

The Think Tank

The Rock N' Roll Romper Room

Turn Around and Go Home

Created by: brouse@membrane.com and sidd@membrane.com [25 December 1994]
All text, sights and sounds © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by BROUSE

"You must not steal nor lie nor defraud."