The Country Letters

Number 001 WARNING: This series may be damaging to your Mental Health.
Number 002 "Of Chickens, Children and Y2k".
Number 003 "Of Shells, and Dates and Tumbledryers."
Number 004 "Of Gout, and Relativity and The Dangers Inherent in Sitting Down"
Number 005 "Of Books, and Travel, and the Joys of Countrified City Life"
Number 006 "Of Telephone Emulators, Pioneers and Insurance".
Number 007 "Of Bugs, Domesticity and Intelligence (or Lack Therof)".
Number 008 "Of Eggs and Ticks and Tunnel Vision".
Number 009 "Of Foaming at the Mouth and Dinosaur Neglect".
Number 010 "Of Happy Events and Rumbles out of Europe".
Number 011 "Of PP, Quanta, and Stray Dogs".
Number 012 "Of Adoption, Deadlines and Status Quo".
Number 012a "Of Attitude, Mutual Cooperation and Drumbeats"
Number 014 "Of Mynahs, Good Citizens and Rants"
Number 015 "Of Shearing, Killer Cats and Phase 3"
Number 016 "Of Ants and Fish and TV"
Number 017 "Of Shakespeare and Caesar and Damn Rats"
Number 018 "Of Augustus, Vanquished Intruders and Zen
Number 019 "Of Relatives, Nomkwasi and Iatrogenesis"
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