
Styx (MP3)

Part 1: B / F# / D
Part 2: D / C /G /Em


"How long is the ride to the other side?
Four-dozen weeks, I've heard some say... give or take a day."

When to adjourn the sojourn
Differs from being to being
That is to say, the journey to Hades varies

Does Hermes show us the way
Does Charon expect some pay
Even reaching the other side
Doesn't mean we've landed
Where we want to reside
We might find ourselves stranded
That's right... Cerberus' six eyes starring at us
What if all that our effort yields
Are the Asphodel Fields
(Because we neglected to cut the deal... for the Elysian Fields)

So, does our journey really end
If we do not transcend

Many a tail has been told about the underworld
But, this is the most important part of what's been unfurled

Don't' wait to be deceased to heed the advice that saved Euridice
Orpheus holds the key for us --
Singing so sweetly... he was allowed to pass easily
Do it before our death
Do it while we have breath
Sing sweetly all of our life so that our afterlife is rife
With the delectable breezes of Zephyr
If we're able let's rid our fable of fear
And, hold dear what has been made clear
Sing loud enough to block out Sirens
Sing sweet enough to make all friends
If in our definition there is a final destination
Then, we shall see how our trip ends

How long on The River Styx
How long being betwixt
How betwixted a being
How soul freeing?

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