The Rev. LeRoy Montana
Live @ the Grape Street Pub


Click here for "My Litany Of Love" MP3

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Anybody who's ever suffered from having a bad attitude
it's not a fun place to hang out...
Something "out there" musta caused it...
sure... this mess just got delivered to me by accident...
Just check out what's goin' on out there in the world -
like 800 million hungry, 27 milliion SLAVES!!!,
women and children being abused...
people with great wealth and power and
they don't help...
wars famine sickness suffering and no relief...
struggles and challenges - personal and collective...
and on and on and
it's easy to see how someone can wake up
and have a bad attitude, you know, with all that heavy stuff
i mean, i dont know about you (you might not even be real, just some dimension i'm experiencing which sortve includes what i detect as "you" HA!)...
but i can understand, even though it's not useful, waking with a bad
this song is a satire
because there's so much harmful stuff happenin
and nobody wants to get harmed
this song is about somebody who really knew there was something wrong
and wasn't feeling very good about the human condition...

dont tell anybody, shhh...
but sometimes I wake up with a bad attitude... that's right, even me,
even the Reverend LeRoy Montana wakes up with a bad attitude...
i'm working on fixing it.
i will fix it.
it has to be fixed.
but knowing. KNOWING something's wrong is the first step to fixing it,
because you have to know there's something wrong before you can fix it.
the person in this song really knew there was something wrong

I hate everything.
I hate every single thing.
I hate the flowers.
I hate the flowers in the spring.
I hate motherhood.
I hate childhood too.
I hate me.
I hate I hate you.

I hate you.
I hate your ugly fucking face.
I hate your mother.
I hate the whole human race.
I hate religion.
I hate god up above.
I hate happiness.
I hate I hate love.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, listen to this -
Once, once I didn't hate.
I'd wake up in the morning, lord, I'd be feeling great.
Then I learned how to love hate.

I hate love.
I hate life, I hate life.
I hate math.
I hate oranges.


Rev. LeRoy Montana: Vocals & Acoustic Guitar

With special guest appearances by --
Lee Schusterman: Wurlitzer
Garry Lee: Bass
Jesse Honig: Drums & Percussion
Allan James: Electric Guitar
Alissa Tallman: Backing Vocals
Linda Waldron: Vibe

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