Picture This:
Portrait of New Photo Teacher
By Julia Picard '99

Janine Foeller, '93, is the temporary photography teacher here at GA, filling in for Gabby Russomagno for the first semester of the year. Foeller began her photography career under Gabby's tutelage when she was a sophomore at GA. She was an avid photo student, loving every second of her classes and spending her spare time in the photo lab. Foeller finds it ironic that she is now here to teach, rather than be taught.

While a student at GA, Foeller was involved in many things. Along with photo, she was involved in many other aspects of art. She taught a general art class in the summers at GA under the supervision of the camp director, Joan Harrington. She was an active participant in sports, earning varsity letters in field hockey, winter track, and lacrosse. The culmination of her years at GA was her senior project, where she taught elementary school students how to use cameras and develop film.

After high school, Foeller continued her education at Franklin and Marshall. There, she worked towards a degree in art history and played lacrosse. However, she was not happy because the school did not have any sort of photography program. She transferred to Barnard at the beginning of the fall semester her sophomore year.

"Barnard was a much better place for me. I could concentrate more on my art, being in the largest art city in the world," says Foeller. At Barnard, Foeller abandoned lacrosse to focus more on her art work. She got a job at a gallery in New York, which she kept for a year and a half until her graduation. She graduated from Barnard this past spring, with her Bachelor's degree in Art History.

Right now, Foeller is preparing to move on to graduate school. Although she is looking at Yale, Foeller is pretty sure she wants to continue her education in New York City. She will either get her master's degree or her Ph.D. in Art History. After that? "My biggest dream is to be a curator in a gallery, but I may return to teaching, too. I don't know. I really like teaching."